Arrays In Java | Core Java Tutorial | Minigranth

Arrays in Java : Introduction

  • Arrays in java are considered as objects. Arrays are the collection of homogeneous (same type) elements referred to by a single name.
  • Arrays elements can be accessed randomly using index. In Java array index starts from 0.
  • Arrays in java are of two types:
    • One- Dimensional Arrays
    • Multi- Dimensional Arrays
  1. Arrays in Java : One Dimensional Array

    • 1-D array is the collection of homogeneous elements. We can represent 1-D array as a single row of elements.
    This image describes the basic structure of one dimensional arrays in java.
    Arrays In Java : One-Dimension Array
    • The above diagram represents an integer array arr of size 10 and index going from 0 to 9.
    • If size of array is ‘n’ the index goes from 0 to n-1.

    Declaring Array

    type [ ] array_name ;


    type array_name[ ] ;

    • Type is the data type of the array elements. It will tell what type of data array will hold.
    • [ ] tells the compiler that the variable is an array variable. For example : int [ ]  arr ;
    • Declaring an array does not mean that array exist in memory. Declaring an array will set arr to to null.
    • We have to allocate memory to array using new keyword.


    array_name = new type[size] ;

    • "size" tells the number of elements array can hold. Initial allocation of memory to an array initializes all array elements to 0.
    • We can assign an array element with a new value by using array_name and index.
    • For example
      arr = new int[5];   // will allocate memory to an array of size 5
      arr[0] = 10;   // will assign the first element of array to 10
      arr[3] = 40;   //  will assign the fourth element of array to 40

    Note : 1) In Java array are dynamically allocated, i.e. memory to an array is allocated at run time. 2) We can traverse an array using a loop ( mainly for-each loop).

    3) We can also declare and allocate memory to an array with a single statement by combining both declaration and allocation statement. For example :  int[ ] arr = new int [5] ;

    • Let us take an example to demonstrate arrays in java :

    This image describes the basic structure of code to create arrays in java.
    Arrays In Java : Example

    This image describes output of the basic structure of code to create arrays in java.
    Arrays In Java : Output

    Initializing an Array While Declaring it
    • Array can be initialized while they are declared. We don’t need new keyword to allocate memory. It is allocated automatically.


    type[ ] array_name = { List of elements separated by comma};


    char[ ] alpha = {‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’};

    • The above statement will declare and initialize a character array alpha at the same time. There is no need of new keyword then. Comma (,) separates the different array elements.
    • Let us take an example to find mean of heights of 10 persons.

    This image describes the creation of 1-D array in java.
    1-D Array : Example

    This image describes the output of 1-D array in java.
    1-D Array : Output

  2. Arrays In Java : Multi- Dimensional Arrays

    • Array can be multidimensional.
    • Conceptually multidimensional arrays are represented as having multiple rows and columns.
    • Multi- dimensional array can be 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional up-to n-dimensional.
    • Multi-dimensional arrays are simply array within an array. If we talk about 2-D array then they are array within array i.e. array(array) .
    • If we talk about 3-D array they are array within array within array i.e. array(array(array)) .
    • The simplest multidimensional array is 2-D array. Conceptually they can be represented as having more than one row ( matrix like structure).

    This image describes the basic structure of the Multidimensional Arrays in java.
    Multidimensional Array : Structure

    • Above figure is the conceptual representation of 2-D array having 3 rows and 3 columns.
    • If we write arr[1][2], then it represents element of 2nd row and 3rd Here 1 is the row index and 2 is the column index.

    Declaring Multi-Dimensional Array
    • To declare 2-D array we specify two brackets [ ] [ ]. n dimension means n brackets. For example:
      • int[ ] [ ] arr ;// declaring 2-D array
      • int [ ] [ ] [ ] arr1 ;   // declaring 3-D array

    Allocation Memory to Multi- Dimensional Array
    • It is done using new keyword, as we did in 1-D array. But here also we specify n [ ] brackets for n dimension. For example:
      • arr = new int[4][5] ;  // 2-D array of 4 rows and 5 columns

    Allocating While Declaring
    •  An example could be , char[ ] [ ] mat = new char[3][2] ; // Declares and allocates memory

    • Note : We can use loop to traverse multidimensional array.

      • Let us take an example to demonstrate 2-D arrays.
      This image describes the creation of 2-D arrays in java.
      Multi-Dimensional Array : Example

      This image describes the output of 2-D arrays in java.
      Multi-Dimensional Array : Output

    Initializing 2-D Array While Declaring
    • We can also declare and initialize 2-D array at the same time as we did in 1-D array.
    • In case of 2-D array each set of rows will have their own set of curly braces. For example
      • int[ ][ ] arr ={ {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9} } ;
        • The above statement will create a 2-D array of size 3 X 3.
        • Let us take an example where we will add two matrices of size 2 X 3.

      This image describes the creation of 2-D arrays in java.
      Multidimensional Array : Example

      This image describes the output of 2-D arrays in java.
      Multidimensional Array : Output